eAchieve at a glance
Grades 4K-12
eAchieve offers classes for students in Grades 4K-12. In addition to this, we also offer Competency and GEDO #2 programs for students who are severely credit deficient.
Tuition Free
eAchieve is tuition free for full-time students in the State of Wisconsin!
AP & World Language
At eAchieve Academy our students can choose from a robust course offering that includes both AP classes and World Languages
Social Experiences
Not only do eAchieve students get to interact inside the classroom, but they have opportunities to interact outside, too! From field trips, to Prom, to class picnics - we have something to offer everyone!

eAchieve Elementary is our 4K-5th grade virtual charter school. We offer a blend of teacher-directed synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences with flexible live classes.

eAchieve Academy offers a wide variety of core and elective classes for students in grades 6-8 including an AVID elective!

eAchieve Academy offers a wide variety of core and elective classes for students in grades 9-12, including AP courses, world languages, AVID, and NCAA-accredited core classes.

eAchieve offers both a Competency Program and Wisconsin's only online GEDO #2 Program! Learn how credit-deficient high school students can graduate with a high school diploma!
Why families love eAchieve