eAchieve is an established Online School in Wisconsin

Alternative Open Enrollment begins July 1st!

We thank you for your interest in eAchieve Academy and look forward to working with your family!

The next opportunity to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year will begin on July 1st through Alternative Open Enrollment. Please be sure to watch our website for more information!

For questions concerning Open Enrollment please contact Kristin Hagen at khagen@waukesha.k12.wi.us or via phone at 262-970-3561.

Here are some of our most frequently asked questions:

Step 1: For enrollment into the 2024-2025 academic year, complete the open enrollment form when Alternative Open Enrollment begins on July 1st.

Step 2: When applying, you will choose Waukesha School District as your non-resident district of choice, and eAchieve Academy as your school of choice. The submitted application must be signed for it to be considered complete.

Step 3: eAchieve Academy will begin processing your application. It can take up to 20 days for your application to be reviewed by both eAchieve and your resident school district. Once the application process is complete, you will receive a decision via email from Jan West.

Step 4: Learn with us! If your application is approved, you will receive enrollment information from Jan West and login information from Danielle Castro. Your student will also be assigned a STAR Advisor to help them get started in their courses and support them throughout their first semester. STAR Advisors will work together with parents and students to create a schedule and get started in all classes. All information will be sent to the email address provided on your application, so please be sure to check this often!

We appreciate your interest and can't wait to be a partner in your student's education!

If you have additional questions about enrolling your student at eAchieve, we would love to help. Please fill out the form below and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.

Get Enrollment Information

6 Questions

You have options for schools no matter which Wisconsin school district you live in. Finding the right school depends on many factors and you have a choice. Fill out our charter school's online application to begin enrollment today.